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TAT BHARTI New Updates 

Immediate Deadline Number - 1 / Circular / 9.  2 - 3 to 3 District Education Office, Patan District, Patan Tal.  1/0/0/0, Principal, Assistant Secondary / Higher Secondary Schools All Patan Districts, Patan # jay Youth Strength Topic: A

All education update news first update on this blog's 

 submission of statistics for filling up and vacant posts.  G

Chat Lounge  General Chat Chat Lounge  According to the above subject, the details to be submitted in the Budget in the current financial year, according to the details included in the accompanying statement, the statistical details of the vacancies and vacancies filled up against the sanctioned establishment of the school.

  You are asked to submit by 1/2/0 0.  Submitting information within the time limit, giving top priority to the information requested is budget relevant.  District Education Officer Patan District, Patan

School Name: Secondary Vita A Approval Establishment |  Vacant Vacancies Mayam Shi, MR.  C  |  Stretch |  Mother |  Sub |  Maya T૫, m.  |  Kg  C  |  Manthapal |  Card |  Striped |  My |  W  General Chat Chat Lounge  |  Then, sh, 1 add up  Yak Yak 
#Jay Youth Power Higher Secondary Education Approved Vacancies Vacancies Princi
pal |  M  Kg  |  3i.  C  |  Librarian |  Clark |  Patched Principal |  M  Sh.  |  Sh.  C  |  Librarian |  Quark |  Striped |  Principal]  Sh.  |  Sh.  C  |  Pathfinder |  Where that |  |  The striped upper soil is to be measured in a single sheet, |  An employee who is assigned a non-exclusive task from a kajal to a qualified employee is required to be in the cadre cadre.  Introducing the main information budget session immediately.  Unpublish UU as a sacrificial fire, Sicko Scanned with -

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