Ph.D. from Hemchandracharya North Gujarat UniversitPatan I am doing internal research You can participate in the research by sending your opinions by
I have a Ph.D. from Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan. I am doing internal research.
You can participate in the research by sending your opinions by
Teacher Responsibility Criteria
Student: Gauriben Solanki, Gromore College of Education, Himatnagar
I have a Ph.D. from Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan. I am doing internal research.
After reading each statement, you have to indicate your opinion by marking 'O' in a corresponding box.
Any information provided here will be completely private. It will be used for research purposes only.
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Directions: This criterion contains statements relating to your responsibilities associated with the teaching profession. Please read each statement carefully and rank any one of the given options with a "√" mark on the given () (in squares) according to your responsibilities. Answers provided by you will be kept private and will only be used for research purposes. There is an option for each statement as follows.
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You can participate in the research by sending your opinions by clicking on the link given below link
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