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All the videos according to the units of Semester 1 and 2 lessons standard 6 of Sanskrit subject in primary school teacher and student use full this video

All the videos according to the units of Semester 1 and 2 lessons  standard 6 of Sanskrit subject in primary school teacher and student use full this video

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Sanskrit is the mother of many Indian languages.  Most of his vocabulary is either derived from Sanskrit or influenced by Sanskrit.  The teaching and learning of Sanskrit across India will lead to greater uniformity in Indian languages, which will strengthen Indian unity.  If there is will power, Sanskrit can also be made a prevalent language like Hebrew.
 The ancient religious texts of Hindu, Buddhist, Jain etc. religions are in Sanskrit.

 Sanskrit is the language of all worship and religious rites of Hindus.

 The names of Hindus, Buddhists and Jains are also based on Sanskrit.

 The technical terminology of Indian languages ​​is also derived from Sanskrit itself.  The summary of Section 343, Section 348 (2) and 351 of the Indian Constitution is that Hindi is the official language written in Devanagari script and originally derived its Sanskrit terminology from Sanskrit.
 Sanskrit binds India in the thread of unity.

 Sanskrit literature is very ancient, vast and diverse.  It has a wealth of spirituality, philosophy, knowledge and literature.  Its study will promote progress in the field of knowledge science.
 Sanskrit is considered the most suitable language for computer (for artificial intelligence).
The grammar of Sanskrit language is very sophisticated and scientific.  Since ancient times, many grammarians have written a lot on Sanskrit grammar.  But Panini's work on Sanskrit grammar is most famous.  His Ashtadhyayi is the oldest book of grammar of any language.
 In Sanskrit, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs are formed in many ways, providing grammatical meaning.  Most word-forms are formed by adding a suffix to the end of the word.  In this way, it can be said that Sanskrit is an extrovert-end-conjunctive language.  Vagish Shastri has given scientific form to Sanskrit grammar.

Subject :: Sanskrit language
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